I have a little version of myself inside my brain that monitors my actions and decides what I should and shouldn’t be saying to people. However, recently it has not been functioning properly. This is causing me to say whatever I feel like saying and sometimes preventing me from doing things that I should be doing. For example, I rarely ever participate in Harkness discussions because of the little version of myself. Whenever I would like to make a point the voice just goes
“Are you sure? You know this is a very risky action. You might pronounce something wrong and everyone will laugh at you forever and you will be so ashamed that you’ll never be able to come back to school.”
It is surprising how much these thoughts affect me and prevent me from doing what I was planning on doing. This monitor in my brain also seems to think that it is okay to tell my teacher that I feel that the project we spent 3 months working on is pointless. After all these incidents, I have decided not to trust the little version of myself that turned out to be evil. She makes me over think things that are not important (yeah, blame it on the “other version” of yourself; it is definitely not your problem) and not think through the things that are important.