What do you plan to do in the next five years?

“I plan to graduate college with a degree in physics, and definitely play some ultimate frisbee.”
— Peter Yergeau

“I would like to go to undergraduate nursing school and then either go to graduate school for two years and become nurse practitioner or join the navy.”
— Hayley Ann Kohn

“I’m going to a certain university, where I am going to school for five years. They require you to do three internships while you’re there, so it takes longer for you to graduate.”
— Gianna Masini

“I’m going to be attending Brandeis University. I’m officially undecided with regard to my major, but I’m considering international relations.”
— Kristen Weiss
Do you have any goals for the next year?

“The only goal is to see if I can get a place in a lab with a professor, maybe not even doing the research but just have my foot in the door.”
— Peter Yergeau

“Just to make it through the first year of college.”
— Hayley Ann Kohn

“To get an internship in the city with a large international company.”
— Gianna Masini

“To learn how to become independent and become more confident in myself. Also, to settle down and find out what my goals are.”
— Kristen Weiss
The next 20 years?

“To hopefully be on track to doing a lot of my own research, and helping students in some other ways.”
— Peter Yergeau

“To be a nurse and hopefully be married by 30.”
— Hayley Ann Kohn

“Probably to be successful in what I want to do, which I haven’t decided yet. But, mostly to be happy.”
— Gianni Masini

“I would like to be finically successful. Be able to keep in touch with friends from high school and college and to get married and have kids.”
— Kristen Weiss
Where do you see yourself in ten years?

“I see myself pursuing a masters degree or a PhD.”
— Peter Yergeau

“I see myself probably being a nurse, and being able to independently support myself while being ready to settle down.”
—Hayley Ann Kohn

“I see myself being almost married with a stable job.”
— Gianni Mansini

“I see myself hopefully living by myself, with a decent job and just happy. Maybe traveling.”
— Kristen Weiss