Difficulty: 3/10
Deliciousness: 10/10 would eat again

I know, you might be saying to yourself “there’s no way I can make egg salad in the dining hall, that’s just plain insane. Even if it was, I wouldn’t be able to, cause I can’t even make it at home?!??!” Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong (and have an issue with question marks). So wrong. But wrong in the best possible way. You, yeah you, right there, can make super delicious egg salad in the dining hall anytime you want! So basically, get psyched!
Ingredients for one large serving:
2 Hardboiled Eggs
Chili Powder

First things first, get your hardboiled eggs and a fork. Use said fork to cut/smash up the eggs. It may be difficult at first, but keep going until the eggs are pretty smooth. I like my egg salad really well chopped, but if you like yours chunkier then go for it. Next just add some mayonnaise. I’m not really a mayonnaise gal, but if you want really creamy egg salad or just love mayonnaise (I assume there are people like that, though I really don’t get it) add a few good squirts. Of course, you can stop there and just add salt and pepper for a plain egg salad, but I like to live on the edge with my dining hall fine dining. I like to add a few good shakes of chili powder to give a nice kick, and a little bit of cinnamon to give it some warmth. You can eat it just like that, or you can toast some bread and make a super great egg salad sandwich. Either way, enjoy that homemade incredibleness immensely!