Ben Caudle (Creative Commons_
A picture of the U.S - Mexico Border Wall, construction has resumed under the Biden administration
Step 3: Help fix the border issue
Since the start of Biden’s presidency, the U.S.-Mexican border has spiraled out of control. There have been more crossings than the population of 38 states. There has been enough fentanyl brought in to kill every single American, and there is no solution in sight, which has been brought in the past few years. Still, somehow, it has become more of an issue under the Biden administration, so Biden must address this. When Biden came into office, he ended the border wall construction as one of his first executive orders. In short, he was right: the border wall should not be the only way to solve illegal immigration. Wall or no wall, you do need to implement immigration reforms. However, since there were no immigration reforms in sight and the border wall didn’t hurt the situation, Biden resumed construction. A survey was taken of how Americans feel about the border. Nearly 78% of Americans say it’s a crisis, so it is not a good look for Biden. Biden needs to secure the border in a long-term, practical, noncontroversial way, meaning it must have immigration reforms, even if he continues to resume the wall construction; it is a significant issue that must be dealt in a non divisive way because Americans are unhappy.