Difficulty: 2/10
Deliciousness: 8/10
One of the vastly under-appreciated aspects of the dining hall is the large deli section. I know personally, I never properly explored it until the end of my sophomore year, and even now I’m sure there are great combinations I’ve never even thought to try. One of my personal favorites is the classic Italian Sub (though I also like to mix it up and make it into a wrap) and you can make a pretty great version of it in the dining hall.
Roll (or any other bread you like)
Cheese (I’m not sure which kind is which, but I like the round cheese the dining hall has)
Lettuce (pro-tip: use the lettuce from the Salad Bar, it’s better)
Sprinkle of Oregano
Banana Peppers (Optional but recommended)
Italian Dressing from the Salad Bar
Basically, just stack up all your preferred ingredients in any way you want and try things to find a good mix. I find that it’s best to put the dressing on the lettuce, so it doesn’t get everything else all soggy. It’s pretty simple, but all together it is certainly better than the sum of it’s parts, it’s got that put together (dare I say fancy?) feel since it’s a tried and true equation. If you’re watching your carbs, or are gluten-intolerant, the ingredients also make a great salad! Anyway you go about it, I hope you enjoy it!