Three years ago, a young defenseless adolescent was shot, and lost his life. His death shone light on a stewing problem in the United States concerning racial profiling and discrimination in the judicial system. Trayvon Martin, armed with a pack of skittles, was walking through a residential area in Sanford Florida, supposedly on the way to a relative’s house when George Zimmerman began following him. Zimmerman who was 28 at the time and self appointed neighborhood watch leader, called the police reporting a suspicious black male, he then proceeded to shoot 17-year-old Martin in the chest after an alleged attack.
Just one day before the three-year anniversary of Martin’s death on Feb. 26, the Department of Justice officially closed the case. The infamous case gained nationwide recognition as protests sprung up around the country. President Obama commented on the injustice. He said, “If I had a son he’d look like Trayvon.”
Zimmerman was not charged for second-degree murder and acquitted of manslaughter. These charges however, were widely disputed. Zimmerman got off on self-defense charges when an unarmed boy had died by gun shot. It is no secret that there is a stereotype against black males, of them being affiliated with gangs. Martin was a victim of his race and a bias judicial system.
Martin has become a martyr and his unfortunate death has given longtime overdue recognition to unjust racial profiling. Too many black, unarmed males are losing their lives and are not receiving any form of justice. Zimmerman was not charged due to “stand your ground” laws that are effective in Florida. Are we to believe that a 17-year-old boy is capable of attacking a 28-year-old man to the point where death by gun shot is justifiable?
Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner are examples of African American men’s value to the United States. Each were defenseless black males that were killed and their offenders who were let off without murder charges. Mass protests and demonstrations to display outrage on the courts decisions have not altered the outcomes. These three cases over the past three years have caused an undeniable awareness among African Americans on where they stand in the eye of the law. Innocent until proven guilty did not apply to these men, punished for simply being black. As citizens of the United States it is our inalienable right to fight for justice, not only for these men, but for the security of all of our African American friends and families.