Sorry this looks like the Blair Bagel Project.
Difficulty: 8/10
Deliciousness: 10/10
It may sound impossible, and for a while I thought it was too, but with some tinkering and testing I can present my masterpiece: the pizza bagel. An old favorite updated to be made in your own dining hall. It may seem complicated, but it all comes together to be amazing. I suggest trying this recipe when you have some time (those lazy dinners are a great time for it). Away we go!
1 Bagel
1 circular piece of cheese
2 tablespoons of tomato sauce
2 tablespoons of shredded cheese
Generous amounts of salt, pepper, and oregano
Topping suggestions: ham, onions, red pepper flakes, anything you can dream up!
First things first, toast your bagel. This will make it crispy and delicious. Next, go grab one of the circular slices of cheese from the salad bar. This step is very important as it keeps the sauce from making the bagel really soggy. The cheese also fits satisfyingly well on the bagel, and makes you feel like a pro. Next go to the gluten free section, where the tomato sauce lives. Don’t get carried away with the tomato sauce, it’s tempting I know, but you just want a reasonable layer. Next, back to the salad bar for the shredded cheese, go crazzzzy with cheese (just my suggestion)…..we all know the cheese is the best part. Then, go grab some seasonings and toppings and get creative! Now, bring your almost complete piece of art to the microwave and put it in for about 30 seconds, or until the cheese is melted. Wait a few moments, it will be really hot! Enjoy your delicious pizza, and all the jealous stares you’ll be getting from everyone in the dining hall.