As the school year ends and the Academic Office and departments prepare for next year, they not only greet new teachers but say goodbye to old ones. This year at least five teachers are leaving, one is retiring, two teachers are taking sabbatical leaves, one coach is leaving and one administrator is leaving.
From the science department there are two teachers leaving. chemistry, biology, and seminar teacher Kristen Tregar as well as Freshman Class Dean and chemistry teacher John Comforto are leaving. Comforto is also the MUN club advisor and a Thompson dorm parent. “Mr. Comforto has changed the environment of the dorms and has always been approachable. He’s a role model and I will miss him next year,” said Junior Josh Bunch. Tregar is the advisor to the Ireland Project and has been involved in a number of productions.
“Ms. Tregar is a positive teacher who has a lot of passion for what she does. She brings good vibes into everything and anyone involved in anything related to theatre is going to miss her next year,” said Junior Timothy Kapolwitz.
Lee Dieck, chemistry and seminar teacher, is taking a sabbatical leave. Dieck will continue to work with the leadership committee here on campus.
Sharon Linsker is retiring from the English Department.

Linsker has worked at Masters for 11 years, and has taught different levels of english.
In the History and Religion department, Charles Sliter is leaving his position as a world history teacher and boys’ varsity lacrosse coach for a teaching job at Rye Country Day School. This was his first year at Masters. “I really like Masters and wasn’t looking to leave. An opportunity just came up.”
World religions teacher,
Ellen Cowhey, who serves as faculty advisor to Tower, is taking a sabbatical leave.
Cowhey will be working towards a master’s degree in eastern classics at St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
After 21 years of working in the language department, Maddame Marie-Suzanne Raabon is leaving.

The Athletics Department is losing the girls’ head varsity soccer coach, Michael Callisto, who will not be returning in the fall.
The Visual Arts Department is saying goodbye to Pam Connolly and Stazi Tangherlini. Connolly was filling in for Madeline Wilson while she was on her sabbatical and Tangherlini was replacing Amy Atlee, while she was on her leave of absence. During Atlee’s leave of absence she stayed close to campus life teaching the yoga co-curricular.
After 15 years of leadership, Head of School Dr. Maureen Fonseca is leaving.
Recently an anonymous donation has been made to rename the Masters Athletics and Arts center to the Maureen Fonseca Athletics and Arts center, in her honor.