Sarah Faber/TOWER
Over the course of this year, if my calculations are correct, I’ve eaten 7.43 pounds of frozen yogurt. After Wednesdays theme of going green, I figured it was time to go greenly. Go Greenly uses biodegradable packaging; their spoons made from cornstarch, their napkins are recycled, and the ingredients are fresh and organic. After much trial, error, and napkins, here are the combinations of toppings and yogurt that have my stamp of approval:
Chocolate Fro-yo with Cookie Dough: The chocolate fro-yo is not the regular watered down, tangy kind that you might get elsewhere. It is rich, smooth, and full of chocolate flavor. It holds up to the chewy cookie dough; a decadent combination.
Original Tart with Mango and Strawberry: Even though I’ve only ever seen plain frozen yogurt eaten by moms, when I decided to try just plain tart with fruit I was only a little bit disappointed. I love sugar and fat and everything unhealthy, but if you don’t, original tart is the flavor for you. As the name implies, it’s tart, and it’s also creamy. The hard texture of the mango helps counteract the yogurt, and the strawberry gives it some sweetness.
Sea Salted Caramel with Toffee and Butterfinger: This was the unanimous favorite! The fro yo had that kind of burned sugar taste, it was salty enough to taste great but not so salty that it’s disgusting, and thick. The butterfinger and toffee added some crunch as well as a boost of caramel flavor.
Coconut with Boba: Disclaimer: I thought I was putting Cheesecake flavor in my bowl, but this was definitely coconut. If I was allergic to coconut that would be an issue, but I’m not so it ended up fine. It taste very similar to the Original tart, except with coconut. It was a little bland, but nothing some boba can’t fix. Whichever flavor you choose, the exploding morsels of fruit juice are always a frozen yogurt staple and helped bring flavor.
Bonus: Mango Bubble Tea: When you first drink the bubble tea, it tastes a lot like the smell of air freshener, then it gets tropical and taste more like tea, and the aftertaste is sweet, and you want another sip.
Go Greenly is the quintessential frozen yogurt place. There’s something for everyone, and it doesn’t make you feel like you’re destroying the environment.