The power is out, households are without reliable drinking water and flash flood warnings continue to pour in even a month after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico. Roughly 3 million Puerto Ricans are living with the reality of this horrible destruction, in need of any help that can be given. Masters has decided to be a part of the reconstruction of the island.
To do their part in aiding the Puerto Ricans, the junior grade held a charity basketball game as their MISH project. The event took place on Oct. 20, showcasing a basketball game between both the Masters girls’ and boys’ varsity teams as well as an AAU team made up of people of Puerto Rican heritage. Tickets into this event were a donation to the cause, ranging to everything from toiletries and feminine hygiene products to towels and water bottles.
Additionally, the charity event included a cookout, bake sale, a half time performance by Urban Connection and a raffle of various electronics throughout the day to gain more donations to the cause. Junior MISH representative, Jenna Bosshart, said, “Our goal is to get people involved and excited to be a part of this.”
To help with the distribution of the donations, the project is including a local church and group of nuns who will ensure the delivery of all proceeds. They have been on the ground in Puerto Rico distributing non-perishables throughout the cleanup of this destruction. Upper School math teacher and Junior Class Dean Matthew Kammrath said, “A lot of groups are having trouble getting supplies in, so we have chosen this specific group because they are getting donations into the places that need help rather than places that are getting stopped from distributing.”
The idea was initially brought to the community by a 10th grade parent, who presented the project to Kammrath to get the community involved. “Once it was adopted as the grades’ MISH project, we began to make it a more social event to encourage people to come out to enjoy the food, music and game,” Kammrath said.
Overall, the event was geared towards producing as much aid, both financially and through specific donations, to the Puerto Rican community. “We received a great deal more than I had expected,” Kammrath said. He also added,“We’ve received $1000 in donations and collected three carloads of items– for only having two weeks to prepare and promote.” As the incredible destruction of the island remains unbearable, this event aimed to involve the Masters community in effort support Puerto Rico throughout these tough times.