Website for Mental Health Awareness at Masters
For the week of May 16, Head of the Visual Arts Department Cheryl Hajjar, in connection with the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI), has set up a week of festivities to promote mental health awareness and self-care.
During lunch periods both today and tomorrow, students and faculty can participate in several activities that build the skills and tools that can help to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Today, sessions teaching breathing techniques and how to make a stress ball are available, among other things. Available on both days are temporary tattoo stations and giant bubble wands. All of these will take place on the quad.
After school tomorrow, at 2:40 a.m., students are encouraged to attend Peer Listener meetings, which aim to open up a dialogue about mental health by providing others with a friendly face to connect with.
All of this will culminate in the NAMIWalk on Saturday. It will be a 5k walk intended to raise money and awareness for NAMI.
“This week, I hope that people realize the strength in speaking out about their struggles and not feeling ashamed.” Hajjar said. On her lapel, she had a pin with the words “I will end the silence” on it, a slogan associated with NAMI.
More information can be found on the official Mental Health at Masters website.