As April rolled around, I realized how fast time flies (cliché, I know). It feels as if it has been a week since school started, but in reality it has been a whole 7 months. How fast the year goes by made me think about how short our time is in Masters and how precious it is. As a result of all these grown up and tacky thoughts, I decided to create a list of things to do [other than surviving math class] before I graduate in 2016. Doing this will ensure that I use my time well here at Masters and have fun memories of my high school years that I will fondly look back at. I decided to share this list with you:
Earn 30 cups of free frozen yogurt from Go Greenly in town (This means getting 300 stamps on your Go Greenly card).
Try every flavor and topping in Go Greenly, because who doesn’t want to weigh 300 pounds?
Have a Disney Movie Marathon for the sake of the kindergartener in yourself.
Give 100 compliments in a day (Yeah Masters spirit)
When you’re a freshman, take a photo with friends and recreate it in senior year to see how you’ve changed (which will be not at all for me considering that I’ve looked the same since 5th grade).
Participate in Special Olympics every year.
Trade iPods with a friend for a day to experience music other than only your taste.
Play hide and seek in the library, again for the sake of the kindergartner.
Make a snow angel during a snow day.
Wait for the perfect snow day to create a snow fort (Yes, I belong in kindergarten).