Matthias Jaylen Sandoval
Freshmen Velizar Lazarov and Ernesto Bautista Luna carry their school supplies in containers on Anything But a Backpack Day.
The Dobbs Athletic Association at Masters, better known as DAA, hosted another Spirit Week for the Spring season which ran from May 9 – May 14. The week featured a variety of events which generally included some form of dressing up. Monday’s theme was “Anything But a Backpack”, during which students carried their school materials around campus in obscure items and containers such as cones, baskets and shopping carts. On Tuesday there was “Dress Like Past You” and a baseball match going up against Green Farms Academy. Thursday and Friday also featured sports matches with other schools, with the girls lacrosse team playing on Thursday and the boys lacrosse team on each day respectively. The week ended with Friday, “Senior College Shirt Day”, when seniors gathered on Graduation Terrace to take pictures.
“What I really enjoy about Spirit Week is the variety that everyone brings in some sort of way whether it’s the backpack day with different types of backpacks or Beach Day seeing how everyone else is dressed differently than I am,” freshman Velizar Lazarov said. He continued, “My favorite day this year definitely has to be Backpack Day; me and my friends carried around shoe boxes and laundry bins, it was just a great time.”
“It just makes campus look much more fun and lively than before and it really does just change the overall atmosphere and way that Masters is as a whole,” Lazarov added.
As indicated in the name, this week’s events were run with the hopes of boosting student participation in activities and building energy for Masters’ sports games.
“[On Senior College Shirt Day] it was nice to see where everyone was going. Kind of bittersweet since you’re happy for everybody but there’s also only a few days left before graduation,” said senior Chris Barnaby.
Similarly, senior Tavin Staber said, “My favorite day was Anything But a Backpack Day, we got to see a lot of buckets, with the one that stood out to me being the Home Depot bucket.”
DAA has enjoyed seeing the community participation in the daily activities.
Senior Kyle Benson, one of the DAA presidents, said, “Spirit Week is a really fun time where the whole community gets to come together in these activities. The energy the school brings is awesome, and I just love to see the blend.”