Birthday Bologna
May 15, 2014
Charlie: “You literally said ‘I’m going to bologna you today’. I didn’t think you were being serious!”
Gillian: “No one said that!”
Pixel: “I didn’t say THAT, I said you were going to get a LOAD of bologna later!”
Gillian: “That’s pretty good.”
Charlie: *groans defeatedly*
The context behind this is that since it’s Charlie’s birthday today, Pixel and Gillian pelted him with pieces of bologna after school. The lingering smell of it grossed everyone out. I think this birthday celebration rivals in strangeness with an old Scottish tradition in my family. On the morning of their birthday, evil spirits would come into the room where the birthday child was asleep and kidnap them by grabbing onto their nose and pulling them away. So to counter this, the parents of the birthday kid would smear their child’s nose with butter so that when the evil spirits would come, their fingers would slip. It’s fair to say that for many years on my birthday I would be in the same amount of shock Charlie was in this afternoon post-bologna’ng.
(L to R: Gillian Goodman ’14, Charlie Woll ’15, and Pixel West ’14)
Thatcher • May 15, 2014 at 10:31 PM
Ah yes the great bologna war. I was there, I saw. Noses were disgusted. Elderly were concerned. A man was pelted.
I remember as if it was yesterday
But it was more recent