The Evil Child

The Evil Child

I was a little psychotic as a child and I am surprised that my parents did not realize it. Sometimes I remember random little things that I did, or thought of doing, and it just makes me go “What on earth was I thinking?!” Today I decided to share one of these stories with you. Nothing is better than some nostalgia in the realm of the teenage years, right?

A couple months into first grade (I was six years old at the time) I had already established who I loved and who I hated. I had a couple of friends whom I loved and would spend a lot of time with doing random things with, such as stealing oranges off trees or burying dead birds we found on the ground (I told you I was a little off). Besides my friends, I had two classmates whom I despised for no apparent reason. One of them was a blonde girl around my age but much taller than me.  At that age I thought that if I ate chocolate or biscuits past their expiration dates I would get poisoned and possibly die. Of course this never happens to anyone but in my own world I was convinced that this was the case. One day I found a biscuit in our kitchen that was past its expiration date by two months. I was going to throw it away but then I had this idea to give it to the girl I hated as a “gift”. I thought this was the perfect plan to get rid of her for a couple of weeks. Of course nothing happened to her from eating old biscuits but I did not know that at the time. It scares me a little to remember that I came up with such plans to “get rid of someone” but I swear I am not a psychopath now.