Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

Hi! Welcome back to the Ireland Project Blog! Today was another long but rewarding day. Also, I am proud to say that I am fully adapted to the time change!

This morning I decided to opt out of the optional “Morning Adventure Exploration Walk”. Usually taking place at 8am, they are run by our favorite male chaperone Greg Lesser. Those who didn’t go on the walk started the day with a pre-breakfast rehearsal in the lobby. Working in a non traditional performance setting is our speciality so this was no opposing obstacle. Around 10 we began our walk to the Lir theatre- home of the Irish Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. On our way there we stopped at a quaint book market in Temple Bar. I picked a book on Irish history for my dad and ancient greek plays for my english teacher. Once we arrived at the Lir, we reunited with the Irish students. Our group led the activities today which showed the creative differences between cultures.  We ate lunch and toured the building. After some more activities we wrapped up the day. For dinner we got a real taste of Dublin, eating Meat Pies and Cornish Pasties from a local store. After our dinner we obviously went back to Murphy’s to get more ice cream. Then we went to an open mic night and several of us had our international debuts. Christian sang, Peter read poetry, and I performed my Phoenix monologue so now I am an official voting Phoenix member. Over all, it was another phenomenal day in Dublin and I can’t wait for more!