Return to the US
Today was our first full day back in the U.S. of A. It was also our first day away from each other. The past week we had only ever been as far as the floor above or the door down the hall, but last night we were all in our own beds(at least for most of us.) I arose early this morning due to the jet lag, yet I am not complaining. I love the morning and the way the light bounces in the sky. It created the atmosphere of home; the nippy air, the barren trees, and subtle snow flurries in the air. A great day for two Bacon, Egg and Cheese Sandwiches from the deli around the corner from my house. This was not the Irish breakfast we were treated with the first day in Ireland, but it triggered that memory. That is what this trip was about, memories. We all have different memories, and they will all be triggered by different things. Horseback riding will never be the same for me, Ireland will never be the same for me, and theatre will never be the same for me. These memories are ones I will cherish, this was an experience not everybody in high school gets to go through. If you told me my freshman year that I will be part of a theatre group representing The Masters School, I would have called you a liar. Even now it is surreal being a techie rather than an actor, but I enjoyed every moment of my time in Ireland. Now we have had the time in Ireland and we can go on to create a piece of theatre that is completely unique like our memories and this project.