Their Story: Sydney Kadiyala
You may see her in the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center teaching one of her engineering classes or helping out the robotics team. She is Sydney Kadiyala, an engineering teacher and dorm parent at our school.
Although she is relatively new, Sydney Kadiyala has become familiar with the ways of Masters. She attended Manhattan College for Physics and wound up at Masters when a position opened up for a new physics teacher. Being well experienced in the subject and had previously been informed about the school, Kadiyala found it reasonable to apply for the job.
It is captivating how fond Kadiyala is of animals. She loves dogs and volunteers at an animal sanctuary. She gives her time on the weekends and any free time. Kadiyala said that if there were a half day or extra time in the day, she would go to the animal sanctuary. Kadiyala also said, “Animals are important, I believe, because they keep us sane.” She has developed a special relationship with each of the animals she attends for.
Kadiyala’s most supreme accomplishment to her is worKadiyala at Masters and teaching students her passion. Kadiyala accomplished one of her goals of taKadiyala care of animals by adopting a puppy and giving it a home. Eventually, she also wants to start her own animal sanctuary. Next, she wants to travel around the world. She says, “You learn through experience.” It appears to her that everything cannot be attained through the internet; you have to actually understand it through physical interaction.
Kadiyala’s inspirations consist of her immediate family and friends. In addition, Kadiyala thinks that it is motivational to give back by using your actual time and energy. It’s the only way to make the effort count. This appears to be an important message for Kadiyala because one should donate their time in order to have it make a difference.