Postcards as preparation

As we are taking train from Boston to New York, we are writing postcards to our friends and family. Trying to find what to write in our messages, we begin to reflect on our past few days in Boston.
Wendy: We’ve been seeing a lot of people around Boston for the past few days dressed up for St. Patrick’s Day. Wearing green T-shirts, green accessories, and painting themselves green!
Catherine: I know! Honestly, I don’t believe that even half of those people have Irish roots, but there is something contagious about Irish culture. I remember I was 12 when I first got obsessed with everything Irish. What about you, Wendy?
Wendy: Well.. I was never really exposed to Irish culture until this year, but the more I learn about it, the more I love it! It had never occurred to me that there is such an interesting culture out there! But I’m still not completely sure what exactly Irish culture is.. Do you know what it is, Catherine?
Catherine: Funny enough, for me, Irish culture is not about green color, leprechauns, shamrocks, and 7 as the lucky number, although that’s how it had started. I believe Irish people are very similar to Russian. First, both are very social and like to drink. A lot! (chuckles) Both Irish and Russians have felt repressed quite often over the course of history. Both are romantic souls, so to say. You can see it in the world-class music and literature that Ireland and Russia have produced. There’s a certain touch of sincerity that comes from the deepest levels of our souls, which I find unique. It’s hard to explain in words, but when I went to Ireland for the first time I felt at peace. I felt welcomed. I felt as if I was at home. But I haven’t interacted with many Irish people outside of tourist zone. So, this time I think it’s going to be different. I hope to experience Ireland from the inside, if you know what I mean. Do you have any expectations from the upcoming trip?
Wendy: Yes, I am expecting to see a lot of green (laughs). From what I’ve heard about Ireland, the first thing that pops in my mind is lots and lots of trees, fresh air, and healthy food. And also, from what I was told, there will be music everywhere – bands playing on the streets at night and people listening and enjoying the cool night breeze. I can’t wait to meet Tallaght students in Dublin! I have friends from all over the world after my past trips, and, to me, the best part of traveling is getting to know people. Because that is when you truly understand the culture of that particular country!
We step off the train at the Penn Station. Even though our suitcases are already above the weight limit, and Manhattan is greeting us with clouds and rain, nothing can stop us from enjoying “Once” on Broadway tonight as the preview to our exceptional trip.