Andrew Lopez is history

Lily Zuckerman

ANDREW LOPEZ LEAVES AFTER a decade of teaching history classes at Masters. Lopez’s history classes have mostly consisted of the World History I (the freshman history major covering global history before the 1500s), World History II (the sophomore history major covering global history in the past roughly 500-550 years), and the US History major for juniors, covering all of American history. He will now teach fifth and sixth grade social studies at a school in Virginia.

Lily Zuckerman, Lead Features Editor

After ten years of teaching at Masters, Upper School history teacher Andrew Lopez is leaving to begin the next chapter of his life. After graduation in June, Lopez will be moving to the DC area of Northern Virginia with his wife and four children, where he will be a fifth and sixth grade social studies teacher at Congressional School. 

The supportive community is what instantly drew Lopez to work at Masters. He said he can still recall his first day on campus.

 “There was a morning meeting with the whole high school (at that time everybody could fit in the theater) and that day there was a musical performance, I noticed that everyone was cheering and dancing,” Lopez said. He continued, “I knew this place was going to be filled with high-spirited people, and I was right.” 

Throughout his time at Masters, Lopez has taught an array of history classes: World History I, World History II, and US History. Prior to that, he taught elementary school at the Hackley School and middle schoolers at a public school in Harlem. Lopez said he has loved being a part of the tight-knit community within the History and Religion Department. Upper School history teacher Eric Shapiro explained that he will miss having Lopez as a colleague. 

“Lopez always brings his sense of humor and willingness to talk. He keeps everyone calm during stressful times,” Shapiro said. 

Shapiro and Lopez co-taught the “Shaping National Identity: The Impact of Cold War Film” Wintermission together. Shapiro said, “I enjoy talking with him about the different films that reflect our own experiences and memories of living through the Cold War.” 

Like Shapiro, students will also miss Lopez after his departure. Senior Camila Arthur had Lopez as a teacher for World History II. She explained how she will miss his friendly face on campus. 

“I’m going to miss being able to make jokes with him, which I still do even though he hasn’t taught me for over a year.” Arthur said. She continued, “That goes to show how close we got during my sophomore year and how he kept that vital connection.” 

Another student, freshman Scout Fishkind, has had the opportunity to know Lopez inside the classroom as her teacher and outside the classroom as her advisor. She explained how Lopez is different from other teachers she has had. 

Fishkind said, “Mr. Lopez is always genuine and has empathy for anything that may be going on. I can tell he really wants his students to enjoy learning.” 

Lopez has met a lot of different students throughout his time at Masters and he said that he will miss them the most when he leaves. 

He said, “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to find another place that has kids with such distinct interests.”