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Performers repurpose their talents for Ugandan Charity

Murigande stands in the middle next to Eileen Kang to the left and Sienna Morin to the right. Together along with Positive Rhythm they performed You Know I'm no good by Amy Winehouse at the fundraising concert to support their club leader, Murigande.
Murigande stands in the middle next to Eileen Kang to the left and Sienna Morin to the right. Together along with Positive Rhythm they performed You Know I’m no good by Amy Winehouse at the fundraising concert to support their club leader, Murigande.
Michelle Nanna
Senior Keira Burgos hold the mic as she performs When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars. Burgos has been an active members in arts around Masters participating in Dance Company and Masters Mainstage.

The Experimental Theater almost hit its capacity, with viewers and performers alike present. They’re all in the space cheering and clapping. The projector reads above, “Wakisa Ministries: Crisis Pregnancy Center.” Senior Shaza Murigande comes to the stage, standing proudly, watching the event of her dreams finally come to fruition. 

On a trip to Uganda in December 2022, Murigande worked with the organization, helping to create a safe environment for the mothers and children as victims of unwanted pregnancy. They also offer counseling support to those who experienced sexual violence. After witnessing their struggle, Murigande felt an urge to use her talents and abilities to help support them, even thousands of miles away in The United States. As a trained singer and songwriter, music has always been a passion for her. She said,“ I wanted to use my passion to help others. I knew that Masters has a really amazing arts program, which is one of the reasons I came here freshman year, and I also knew that there was so much talent here. I’ve been meeting with people every Wednesday, collaborating with songs and across grades, working towards a concert.”

This wasn’t the first time Murigande had this idea though. During the 2022-2023 school year, she created Music For a Purpose, a club aimed at using music for charitable use. In the midst of the spring of last year, a concert event came into her mind, but after spending time with Wakisa Ministry, Murigande pushed to have this concert done before she graduated. 

“I really wanted to get it set in stone this year as a senior. I started planning about a few months ago, but then the real crunch time– rehearsals were almost every day this month,” Murigande said.

Senior Keira Burgos hold the mic as she performs When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars. Burgos has been an active members in arts around Masters participating in Dance Company and Masters Mainstage. (Michelle Nanna)

In the afternoon leading up to the concert, Murigande puished to set up the Experimental Theater with a group of performers and members of theater tech. “When it came to the ET, Sophie Moussapour really helped me out like running the whole sound system and Silas Rosenfeld. I had so many people helped me out set set up the chairs and just like the stage people carried over, the musicians actually took charge which was really nice so that I didn’t have to do all the carrying on my own like, it was nice to everyone who performed actually helped out so it’s great.

Looking past the logistics of the event, Murigande was able to connect with performers around the community. By the day of the concert, there were 16 acts, made up of four Student performing group (SPGs) and a mixture of solo’s to trio’s. 

The night’s first performance was done by “Dohters” the all-female folk SPG that performed at the concert, led by both Murigande and senior Keira Burgos. Burgos emphasized how the group wanted to support and perform at the event both for the cause and Murigande. She said, “We wanted to help create a good setup of people who are passionate about music and wanted to perform with Shaza for music for a purpose.”

Burgos wrapped up her night with, “When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars” in a solo act.

She spoke about her experience singing alone. “I’ve never sung solo before. And so she was really excited to, you know, like, help me do that as well. So that was kind of part of the reason as well,” Burgos said.

A plethora of other non-singing acts took the stage including a clarinet performance from Daniela Carias 27’, a dance by MUSE and even spoken word poetry by Caia Ellis.

After careful preparation on the afternoon of Nov. 16, 2023 the concert was a success. 

“It was amazing. I’m so happy like I literally never cry but I almost felt crying. I think that first of all, there was a full house here: parents, students, teachers, my math teacher came.t was just so nice. I’ve gotten some donations and people were saying they’re going to send them tonight also” proclaimed Murigande.

Murigande hopes that anyone interested can help and contribute to her club and the ministry through donations, or performances in future concerts.

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