Dining Hall Snack Mix
Difficulty: 1/10
Deliciousness: All the numbers
Ingredients (Suggested):
Sunflower seeds (from the salad bar)
Crunchy stick things (go to the salad bar and you’ll get it)
Raisins (The salad bar is totally the best…..)
Chex-Mix type cereal (I should really know the proper name for more things, also feel free to mix it up with different types of cereal)
Spices (Some suggestions- chilli powder and garlic powder if you like spicy, oregano and garlic powder for a more Italian feel, or just some salt and sugar if you’re going for a sweeter mix)
Simple yet elegant, just put all your chosen ingredients in a cup and shake them around! It’s so fun, use the snack mix as a musical instrument until people stare at you too much, then enjoy it by eating it instead. I personally like to stock up on snacks by bringing my own plastic bag to the dining hall (that sounds a little sad, but I don’t really mind) and loading it up.