Emma Friedman

Phoebe Van Essche, Blogger

“I have a feeling 2017 is going to be a good year for me personally, as well as for the country in general. Personally, I have been doing a lot of work on my music and songwriting, and am extremely excited to be recording my first EP this spring. I finally feel like I’m moving forward and doing something with my music. At times, being in high school feels like it limits my potential musically. I can’t just go out and perform on weeknights, I can’t take a month to go record an album etc, so I’m very excited to be seeing this kind of concrete progress in my career. It’s definitely a step forward and will be a huge learning experience. As for the country as a whole, I think now is the time to unite. Many people are angry, scared, hateful, and generally just confused. I honestly think that out of all of this is going to come a deeper understanding for each other as humans. All of the protests and rallies that are going on are really a testament to this. People are empowered to make real change in the face of injustice. Despite whatever circumstances and challenges we will inevitably face this year, I know that we will rise to face them and I wholeheartedly believe that through this struggle, we will come out with a better understanding of the power of compassion, empathy, and love. It’s going to be a good year. I’m excited.”

I’m in a similar boat as Emma, 2017 has a lot of exciting things for me personally. It seems like everything is beginning for me, but it’s coated in nostalgia. Something is ending, high school, the America I knew. Emma has one thing right – it’s going to be an exciting year.


Sonder – ‘The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.’
Thank you to Emma Friedman.