Brody Leo

Brody Leo is running for one of two 2020-2021 co-chair slots. He plans to prioritize democratizing executive committee, as well as improving its culture.

Meet the co-chair candidates: Brody Leo

Five candidates will go head to head in Masters’ first ever virtual co-chair elections on April 30. Here’s everything you need to know about finalist Brody Leo before casting your ballot.

DISCLAIMER: Leo is a member of the Tower staff as News Editor. He has recused himself from writing and editing any publications regarding the 2020-2021 co-chair elections.

Brody Leo describes himself as a natural leader, and hopes to bring his best assets to the position of co-chair next year.

“A leader is designed to serve their community,” he said.“The longer I’ve been able to appreciate everybody here, I’ve become more interested in running to give back,” he said.

If elected, Leo said he hopes to open inclusive dialogue with others on how to improve The Masters School through executive committee. 

“I’m just as good at presenting my own ideas as I am other people’s,” he said. “There are a lot of people who are smarter than me or who know better than me, so it’s very important to me to take in other people’s input.”

Leo said he has always had a “strong admiration” for executive committee, and that his top priority if elected co-chair is to further democratize the process and improve the culture. 

“Sarah and Audrey have done a great job with getting people involved, but it’s still a little scary,” he said. “For example, class president isn’t always viewed as a representative position, [and] we need to change that. Even if you don’t go to [executive committee] meetings, you should feel your views are being represented.”

Leo also writes and edits for Tower, plays on the boys’ varsity tennis team and enjoys rock climbing.

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