2022: A year of hope

Ellie Yang

Members of the Masters community strive for a better new year through their hopes and resolutions for 2022.

From the first Covid case in December of 2019, the pandemic has taken a toll on the world and people’s minds. Everyone’s lives have been impacted by this pandemic in their own way, for better, or, in most cases, for worse. But 2022 is a new year. A year of hope. A year where we can ask ourselves if this pandemic will finally be over. 

These are the hopes and resolutions of some of those in the Masters community. They look forward, and not back. In them is everyone’s resolution for a better year. They give us hope that 2022 isn’t “2020 too”. 


“I want Covid to end as early as it can. It is making our life pretty hard to live.” 

– Harry Xiong ‘24


“My primary hope and goal [for 2022] is that this community continue to thrive, and that everyone on our campus stays well and remain inspired toward being powers for good.”

– Laura Danforth, Head of School


“This year I want to be more organized with things. I’m not very good with keeping grades, I’m not even very good at keeping my [grade] book organized, or the LMS organized. And things in my personal life, like all the bills and everything. I’d like to be able to get a system going where I’m more on top of that.” 

– Michael Comerford, Mathematics teacher


“My New Year’s Resolution for this year is to focus on gratitude.”

– Peter Newcomb, Head of Upper School


“Only buy secondhand clothes. I don’t want to be a part of fast fashion anymore.”

– Caterina Stoica ‘24


“My New Year’s resolution is to spend more time with my family because now I spend all my free time out of the house. Especially as I’m getting to the end of high school. I also hope in 2022 to keep meeting new people.”

– Hannah Raab ‘23


“I want to jump higher for basketball.”

– Tim Yang ‘23


“I hope to get an ED offer.”

– Jack Li ‘23


“Get abs.”

– Dayan Battulga ‘23


“A healthy life in general. Have a stable sleep schedule. Yeah.”

– Yuri Lee ‘23


“My New Year’s resolution is to grow another inch.”

– Nathaniel Attwell ‘23


“Pass APUSH.”

– Hanna Frasca ‘23


“Stability. A little bit of a return to normal… just being able to see people without any sort of concern about it. And go back to normal classrooms, and teaching, and connecting.”

– Emily Mitchell, Mathematics Teacher


“My New Year’s resolution is to take shorter showers, saving the environment. And also to cut the strings on my mask when I take them off so I don’t kill birds”

– Jadah Ramdyal ‘22


“Being more patient. I tend to not be super patient.”

– Charlotte Beck ‘22


“To travel a lot to beaches, to go skiing, and to colleges, and to Alaska.”

– Stella Simonds ‘23


“My New Year’s resolution for 2022 is to definitely get more sleep. I’ve been procrastinating a little bit and I’m trying to get out of that habit.”

– Hannah Schapiro ‘23


“My grandmother, the first thing she’ll do when she gets together with us is she’ll comment on everyone’s weight in a very negative way, so my cousins and I were like, ‘This year for new year’s, how about we all try harder not to be so critical of each other in our family?’”

– Ellanna Swope ‘22


“To get into college and to keep my grades up while being able to enjoy the rest of senior year. And give in a little bit to senioritis.”

– Teddy Diamond ‘22


“I hope to continue working out and staying healthy. And just stick to my workout routine.”

– Connor Toporoff-Richman ‘24


“I really want the pandemic to be over. I think it’d be great if we can just go back to normal life and not wear masks, and see each other’s faces, and gather in the auditorium, and go to restaurants without worrying. All of those things would be so nice.”

– Jillian McCoy,  Librarian


“I just hope that I get into the college I want to get into.”

– Alec Gould ‘22


“To read more. I think it’s healthy to read and it’ll help me grow as a student.”

– Niamh Fortuna ‘23


“Get into college.”

– Raymond Falci ‘23


“To not fail any classes and do my homework, and actually hand in my assignments.”

– Eleanor Phillips ‘25


“I don’t want to be late to my classes.”

– Ella Galantic ‘25


“My New Year’s resolution is to write more songs on the piano this year. Singing has always been my passion, but with Covid, I lost a bit of interest in it for some reason so I am trying to get it back.”

– Shaza Murigande ‘24


“Stay healthy.”

– Cosima Hansen ‘23


“I don’t tend to eat in the morning. So I want to eat something that’s good for me in the morning. Like a banana or something.”

– Amelie Didda ‘23


“Get through junior year with all the SATs and tests and APs. And mainly to be more efficient and stop procrastinating on my homework.”

– Corinne Furniss ‘23


“Waking up every day satisfied with what I’ve done the day before, and the day before.”

– Adrien Blanc ‘23


“Being lively. Go and get into college.”

– Jagger Gossett ‘23


“To work through the college admissions process as easily as possible.”

– Sam Gotthelf ‘23


“Getting good grades.”

Alexi Galantic ‘24


“Work on my health. It’s something that I’m always working on. Especially with everything that’s happening with Covid and things.”

–  Christian Belliard, Custodian


“To get into college, and start waking up on time.”

– Mali Black ‘22


“Read 50 books.”

– Kate Stein ‘22


“Drink more water.”

– Saachi Bogavelli ‘25


“Be kind to myself. I feel like we all need to treat ourselves to good things and make sure that we are happy.”

– Gabi Olay ‘25


“I hope that I can get into a good college and be a good Asian student.”

– Gretta Hong ‘25


“Not stressing as much and not being as much of a perfectionist.”

– Amara Baker ‘25


“Stop procrastinating for homework.”

– Adji Ngom ‘25


“I hope I get into my top college. Princeton. They have a good design program.”

– Maria Portillo ‘22


“Get more sleep. I like to wake up too early. If I have to be here at 7:30, by 5 o’clock I’m already awake.”

– Morelo Dionisio, Security


“Not let opportunities pass me by.”

– Samantha Webber ‘25


“For the Seahawks to win the Superbowl.”

– Felipe Queiroz ‘25


“My New Year’s resolution is to be healthier, have a healthy diet, and be healthier for me and my kids.”

– Bonilla Yahaira, Custodian


“To exercise more and be healthy.”

– Lisa Nussbaum, Campus store manager/business office team  


“I want to stay more close to God. More praying. More relation with God.”

– Navkie Butgos, Brock employee


“Listening more closely to the people around me and enjoying the little moments more.”

-Andrea Rodas, Spanish Teacher