If you add up all the awkward moments/conversations that you can think of together, you will get my life story. These awkward incidents mostly happen at school, since it is impossible for me not to be awkward when there are human beings around. I have decided to share a couple of these moments with you, in case you also think you are awkward, so that you can see that you are definitely not the worst case out there.
- Knocking out the stack of plates in dining hall while trying to dump my plate.
- Trying to open the door without taking out my keycard, so I am just rubbing my bag on the door for 15 minutes.
- Falling out of my chair in math class.
- Bumping into my teacher when I am complaining about her.
- Locking myself in a bathroom stall and being stuck there for about 15 minutes. When I return to my class, everyone is suspicious about what I was doing in the bathroom.
- Snorting in class.
- Choking on my own gum.
These are only a few of the moments that make me cringe when I remember them later on. However, I think that all those moments are going to be great memories to remember and laugh at in the future.