Neena Atkins, Features Editor
Neena Atkins, a sophomore at Masters, is a primary page designer and features editor for Tower. Besides Tower, she participates in several extracurricular activities, including three seasons of varsity track and Model UN. Her passion for writing and the world around her is reflected in her out-of-school life, where she enjoys hobbies such as scuba diving, reading, and cultivating an interest in history. So far, her favorite piece is "Conquering Fashion FOMO: How TikTok Trend Influence Overconsumption." She said she, like many other teens, has been a victim of TikTok trends and buying things impulsively. She describes being part of Tower as being like a family and said it's easy to form close friendships. Her goals for the future are to learn more about InDesign and fun ways to incorporate multimedia components into her writing.