What I Wanted to Be When I Grew Up
January 14, 2015
Here’s an essay I wrote as a high school senior, around the time the college process was in full swing. Re-reading it, I cringe at some of the stuffy phrasing and the let’s-include-the-dictionary-definition cliche, but it was the piece I was proudest of at the time. I didn’t see myself as much of a writer, anyway, more as a dabbler in philosophy when I wasn’t doing science and math and D&D. And those early D&D manuals sure liked to use fancy words. Anyway, it has its redeeming qualities, and I thought you might get a kick out of comparing then and now.
paul • Jan 16, 2015 at 12:41 AM
Thank you, Wen, for your inspiration to highlight certain words in red when you posted this. It makes them pop vibrantly out of the scrawl: red blossoms stretching out of the debris.
Wait. I hear a haiku crystallizing:
Key words pop brightly
from the scrawl: red blossoms from
a compost essay