Boys Varsity Basketball: Two-time FAA league champions

For the second year in a row the boys’ varsity basketball team are league champions. On the 21st the boys traveled to New Canaan, CT to face the St. Luke’s school, the 5th seed in the Fairchester Athletic Association (FAA). The panthers finished with a final score of 68-57 to win the regular season. The boys’ accomplishment is not only significant because it’s the second year in a row but, it also gives Masters home court advantage for the playoffs which begin on Wed. Feb 25th in the gym.

Senior Brandon grant believes winning the regular season was harder the second time. He said, “Since we are the defending champs it seemed like every school was out to beat us. They didn’t want us to win again.” taking the number one seed makes Masters a strong contender for the FAA championship.  However, the road to victory will not be without challenge. Hopkins, the number two seed,  has proved itself worthy of a championship after beating the panthers twice in the regular season. Greens Farms Academy, although they are ranked as the number sixth team in the FAA, they are a still a possible contender. The Green Farm Dragons beat masters once in the regular season, but also won the championship two years ago and the year before that.

If the panthers win Wednesday’s game they go on to play the semi finals on Friday, and the championship will be on Saturday. Junior captain Josh Bunch has no doubt the team is ready to win another championship. He said, “We’ve been working toward this all year. We are ready and we need everyone to come out and cheer us on.”IMG_0632 (1) IMG_0593