What’s your sign?

Whats your sign?

Karina Ceron, Blogger

Before we can really get into the signs, we need to first learn about the planets. Most people think that you only have one sign, which is why most people don’t believe in astrology. You actually have more than just your sun sign, which is the one that everyone knows. The sun sign is the most common because it is the only sign that is calculated by your birthday, however it is not the most important and might not even be the sign that you relate to the most. You have a sign for every planet, the moon, and even some asteroids. All of them mean different things in relation to your natal chart, which calculates all of your sign placements for you. Let’s explore a little more each of the planets and how they affect you:
Sun: Your sun sign affects how you think. It is your outermost personality, your conscious, your ego, and the sign that people see once they start to get to know you. The sun rules Leo.
Moon: Your moon sign affects how you feel, and your innermost emotions. This is the you that is only seen by your close friends and family. It’s your subconscious, and your most private self. The moon rules Cancer.
Rising: Your rising sign (also known as ascendant sign) is how others and the world see you. It’s the first impression you make on others, and the first thing people see about you. The rising sign rules the 1st house.
Venus: Venus represents the qualities of love, romance, sensuality, culture, beauty, affection and social appeal. Venus rules Taurus and Libra.
Mars: Your mars sign represents basic sexual attraction, anger and aggression, as well as basically anything physical. Mars rules Aries.
Mercury: Your mercury sign is associated with communication, both verbal and technological, reasoning, intellect and awareness. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.
Jupiter: Jupiter is associated with luck and fortune. It is also associated with expansion, and what you seek in life. Jupiter rules Sagittarius.
Saturn: Saturn represents restrictions, limitations, delays and authority. Saturn shows us what we find difficult. Saturn rules Capricorn.
Uranus: Uranus represents change and individuality. It is associated with innovation and discovery. Uranus rules Aquarius.
Neptune: Neptune is the planet of illusion, fantasy and dreams. Neptune represents your life dreams and goals. Neptune rules Pisces.
Pluto: Pluto represents generational transformations and mindsets, as well as an individual ability to change. Pluto rules Scorpio.
Midheaven: The Midheaven relates to your career, reputation and social standing. The Midheaven rules the 10th house.
A good beginner website for calculating you natal chart is http://alabe.com/freechart/. I suggest with all this new information you pull up your chart and read what the stars say about you. You never know what you might find!