Josiah Wise Flips the Script as serpentwithfeet

It takes a lot of courage to be original.

Classically trained in voice at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Josiah Wise spent years singing in soul and R&B groups. Soon, however he realized this scene wasn’t for him. Now, Wise has emerged again, this time as solo artist serpentwithfeet, and he couldn’t be more changed. Tattoos cover his forehead; one, a pentagram, others, the words “heaven” and “suicide” in all capital letters. He wears a large septum ring and covers his newly-grown beard with coloured glitter. He experiments with makeup and body paint as well.

Like his appearance, his music is unforgettable at the very least, and his metamorphosis is very present in his music. While his songs still have some influences from his classical training, they’re dispersed within these electronic soundscapes he creates. The lyrics he sings are enigmatic and almost indecipherable. His lithe voice flutters as he guides us through the inner, often confusing workings of his mind. On track “Four Ethers,”  Wise sings “I’m fine with you being a liar / I’m fine with you being a killer / I’m fine with you being suicidal / That **** don’t bother me, no / But you’ve gotta show me yourself.”

Wise’s music as serpentwithfeet is inspiring, if not because of the sheer musicality then because of Wise’s commitment to expressing himself, uncensored. Too often, we are afraid to think outside of the box with our identities. It’s very easy to wear a t-shirt and jeans and to not hold any opinions too strongly, but Wise shows us that maybe it’s more compelling to live as a free spirit.

You can listen to Wise’s debut EP, blisters, here: