Gabriel Garzón-Montano soulfully brings in the new year of music
You probably have never heard Gabriel Garzón-Montano’s name before, but you’ve likely heard his voice. Drake’s song “Jungle” featured a prominent sample of Garzón-Montano’s slow-moving, soulful lullaby “Six Eight.” Still, Garzón-Montano has yet to to fully pierce the mainstream, but that all could change with the recent release of his debut album, Jardín, a summer-y 10-track work guaranteed to get your feet tapping along.
Garzón-Montano’s new work is not trend-hopping. There are no big stadium synthesizers or stuttering programmed hi-hats. Garzón-Montano’s music is the antithesis of the noisy, loud music more commonly found on the radio; even his more upbeat songs stay lowkey and soothing. Yet, simultaneously, there’s something so pleasingly familiar about the album. Tracks like “Cantiga” create a sense of nostalgia from first listen, instantly feeling “classic.”
What completes the album, although not always overtly, is Garzón-Montano’s high level of musicianship. The polyrhythms of “Sour Mangos” and the syncopation in “My Balloon,” while subtle touches, display a level of thoughtfulness and attention to detail that makes Jardín one of the best new releases of the year. Jardín the perfect picker-upper without the cheese right when we all need it.
You can listen to and purchase Jardín here: