Shipping out

It is March 20, 2014. T minus 1 minute till we are shipped off to Ireland. The minutes feel like hours as the time suffocates us with anticipation. Surrounded by middle-aged men eating sub-par Asian cuisine, we can almost see the heather rippling over the highlands. Surrounded by our comrades, we wonder if there are some of us who will never return. The plane is painted green, we pray that this color will bestow us luck in our ventures. Our honorable General, Kristen Tregar, sits patiently waiting for the middle-aged woman standing at the gate to chime the bell and begin the boarding process. The sound enters our eardrums, “Ladies and gentlemen, we will now begin boarding.” My comrades and I all begin to shuffle our way towards the entrance to our destiny. Who knows what will await us across that great expansive ocean that has separated our two great nations for too long? This is Brigadier Christian and Lieutenant Broekhuijse bidding you and this grand country, adieu.