Ms. Norris: Declassified

Ms. Norris: Declassified

Eric Shear, Blogger

Amy Norris came to The Masters School only this past year.  In one year, she has not only become  well-known as a spunky biology teacher, but has also started Master’s first biology twitter feed.  In addition, she started two new clubs and coaches varsity soccer.  But where did  Norris come from?  Who truly is the soon-to-be Thompson dorm parent?

Norris moved around a lot as a kid.  Born in the South, by the time she was eight, she had lived in Oklahoma, Georgia and Texas.  At the age of eight she moved to Massachusetts.  Her family still resides there and that is where she spent all of her middle and high school years.  In high school she played soccer and was a lighting technician.  From sophomore year on she worked every single show and,  in fact, while in college at Roger Williams, she minored in theatre tech and created cool sets including a Macbeth set staged during WWI.

Although theatre was a hobby, her passion always was and still is biology, specifically marine biology.   From high school onward, she has always known she was going to be a marine biologist.  Her high school biology teacher, Mr. Gilliatt, who she describes as “a green beret with a heart of gold”, sparked her interest and she has never looked back.  During college she researched the nocturnal behavior of seals.  Although she had to deal with frigid Rhode Island weather and very late nights, she loved her work.  She has done lots of field work including working with whales, harbor seals and even bats.

In October, Norris will be married to her fiancé Hal.  Of course like any true biologist at heart, her honeymoon is in the Galapagos.  She has a fascinating and diverse past and said she looks forward to teaching the marine biology seminar next year.