The student-run news site of The Masters School


The student-run news site of The Masters School


The student-run news site of The Masters School


Photo gallery: GVS Senior Game Vs. GCDS 10/30
Photo gallery: GVS Senior Game Vs. GCDS 10/30
Varsity squash team travels to nationals
Varsity squash team travels to nationals
Roses scattered in front of Graduation Terrace: the 2023-2024 school year is officially brought to a close.
Class of 2024 Graduation: Pt. 1
Ellie Hise, Editor in Chief • June 18, 2024

The class of 2024 took a final look at Masters Hall during the graduation ceremony on June 8. By mid-morning, the senior class collected their...

Hajjar wins the Anna Howe Faculty Award

Ellen Cowhey
Cheryl Hajjar, Upper School art teacher gives a speech after formally accepting the Anne Howe Faculty Award.

As the alumni packed the Fonesca Center to participate in a dinner as part of Reunion Weekend, Upper School Art teacher, Cheryl Hajjar was struck with nerves. A few months before in March, Hajjar was selected by alumni for the Anna Howe Faculty Award, which recognizes teachers who made a difference in the lives of students while at Masters and beyond. In that very dinner on Saturday, May 18, 2024, Hajjar was formally presented the award in front of the very community that selected her. Alongside her, three alumni received awards; Vittorio Stropoli ’19 won the Maureen Fonseca Young Alumnae/i Award, Sharon Nechis Castillo ‘84 won the Eliza Bailey Masters Fellowship Award, and Natasha Bansgopaul ‘04 won the Richmond Bowl.

“I felt incredibly moved and honored,” she said. “For me, coming here each day is first and foremost about the students, so I felt like it was an award that really mattered.”

 Though Hajjar was nervous to say some words when accepting the award, she was able to reflect on her time as a teacher and a mother and the relationships she formed during her time at Masters specifically with students.

She said, “When you teach art, students have more of an opportunity to really expose more of themselves to you because a lot of their artwork is about their own identity. So that comes out and then you create a relationship that’s not based solely on skill building, it’s also based on some of that personal stuff that they’re sharing through their work.”

Additionally, Hajjar looked back upon on what her experience has been during her 14 years at Masters as an advisor and teacher. 

“I’ve always managed to be the student and learn from my colleagues, but especially here I’ve also not only learned so much from my colleagues but have developed close friendships, and that’s been a bonus”.

Former advise of Hajjar and alumna Olivia Cao ‘14 recalled her first day at Masters in which Hajjar swooped in to save her from being suspended. 

“Obviously for her who just started and to do that for me is very brave of her.”

Even years after graduation Cao connects with Hajjar often and still finds aspects of her that she appreciates. 

“I admire the fact that she speaks her mind and she does it in a very polite and firm way As I have gotten older I have noticed that is very hard to do.”

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