Town Supervisor responds to swatting: “an expensive joke that wasn’t funny”
Brandon Cunningham/Snap Judgement Photo
SWAT teams from across Westchester county respond to a call from a Dobbs Ferry residence on Myrtle Ave. The call turned out to be a “swatting”, or prank call, incident, per police.
A Greenburgh Town board meeting was interrupted Tuesday when Town Supervisor Paul Feiner received an email from The Journal News. Police officers had assembled to respond to a shooter threat, and people were scared, they said. An hour later, after the residents of the home in question were safely extracted and debriefed by the local police, Feiner discovered that the 911 call was a hoax.
In a press release by the Dobbs Ferry Police Department, the incident was referred to as “indicative of a potential ‘swatting’ type incident.” Swatting is a criminal harassment tactic, often consisting of a prank call to emergency services, in order to draw a significant police response to an address.
“This was an expensive joke that was not funny,” Feiner said, adding that he thinks the department should be reimbursed for the expenses of responding to the call. These expenses include, but are not limited to, the 15 Greenburgh police officers on the scene (as well as several other Dobbs Ferry and county officers), many of whom were working overtime.
Upon receiving news of the incident, Feiner said his team went into crisis mode.
“We had to treat it as though it was an urgent action because you never know,” he said. He cited the 2019 shooting that occurred at an Ardsley motel, in which the suspect opened fire on police officers before he was shot and killed.
Despite this, Feiner said swatting incidents are very uncommon. The most recent was a false bomb threat that led to the evacuation of a Tarrytown office building roughly a decade ago, he added. Tuesday was the first instance in his career in which a false report was filed about a residence.
He added that this incident was also unusual in that the active media presence on the scene provided him with a more direct line of communication with the public than in previous cases. He explained that because he was at a town board meeting and communicating with the police chief, he was able to get information as the incident was occurring and then immediately communicate with residents.
“It became public knowledge much earlier than it normally would have,” he said, adding that this was a positive outcome as it helped passersby and other residents remain calm.
“When people are really scared, it’s nice to be able to provide some reassurance,” he said.
Feiner commended the Greenburgh and Dobbs Ferry Police Departments on their handling of the situation. The identity of the false caller is currently under investigation by the Dobbs Ferry Police Department.
“The person who committed this act should be brought to justice,” he said.

Senior News Lead Editor Annie Rubinson published her first Tower piece in 2017 as part of her year-long blog covering student activities. Two years and...
Janice • Jun 15, 2020 at 9:19 AM
We have had well over a hundred harassing SWAT calls to our home here in Santa Fe, NM where police, fire, and ambulance rush out at all hours of the night and early morning, awakening us from our sleep. Yep, 100 times or more over the course of 3 years– yet law enforcement here in Santa Fe, NM (county) does nothing to stop this dangerous and ongoing harassment. In fact, police have blamed us (revictimizing the victims) and have threatened to arrest us and take us to jail (my husband is 81 years old) even though we have no control over the SWATTING. The DA and AG’s offices do nothing– even the governor’s office refuses to help us. This leads us to believe it is actually the POLICE doing this SWATTING to us. They are either fabricating that 911 was dialed– or– it’s someone within law enforcement doing this out of retaliation or something. This is criminal harassment– and we very firmly believe it’s the police themselves that have been doing this to us all along. A very dangerous game of cat and mouse– and we wonder why folks are protesting and wanting to defund/abolish the police. Go figure!
Candace Marrin • May 21, 2020 at 3:27 PM
Lock this person up for a few months. Make them do community service and garnish their paycheck for all the money they wasted on the departments that showed up to their home. It’s disgusting that someone can be so ignorant to do such a thing. They need to be reprimanded and pay dearly for what they’ve done. They need to be shown this will NOT be tolerated!!