Podcast: Danforth reflects on remote start, anti-racism plan

As students across the country prepare to return to the classroom amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, The Masters School will begin the year with remote learning.

But the pandemic is not the only crisis at this time. Longstanding issues of injustice and inequality were brought to the forefront after another murder of an unarmed black man at the hands of the police – George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis on May 25 sparked protest, outrage and fear from within the Masters community and around the world.

Why did Masters make the decision to go forward with a remote start to the year? And how does the administration plan to combat the issues of racism and implicit bias while keeping Masters safe during a global health crisis. Head of School Laura Danforth responded to these questions and other topics of discussion in a podcast with New Ventures Editor Logan Schiciano.

Topics of Discussion: 

  • Danforth reflects on decision to begin the year with remote learning despite NY Governor Andrew Cuomo giving schools permission to move forward with in-person reopening plans. Listen more at 1:42 mins.
  • Danforth explains perimeters for a potential in-person reopening after a month of reopening. Listen more at 5:15 mins
  • What will the classroom look like if we can return to campus? Find out at 5:32 mins.
  • Danforth recalls her reactions to the @blackattms posts. Listen more at 12:00 mins.
  • What changes can the Masters community expect to combat systemic racism and address implicit bias? Find out more at 15:00 mins.

Music Credits: 

  • “High school classroom – crowd of students talking with banter and shuffling paper” (via SoundSnap.com)
  • “Falling Grace”, by Remember the Future (used with license via PremiumBeat.com)
  • “Protest crowd ‘Show me democracy’ chant”, Chicago, Ravenswood neighborhood (via SoundSnap.com)

This podcast was recorded on Aug. 11, 2020 and edited by Logan Schiciano.