America is a socialist country

Elijah Emery, Contributing Writer

What did you do over the weekend? Did you finally get to sleep? Did you go to a friend’s house? Did you go out to dinner with a hot date? The weekend is a socialist invention. The labor union movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a movement full of and led by socialists, ensured the creation of the weekend when, in 1934, Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act, which guaranteed the 40-hour work week, created the minimum wage, and eliminated child labor.

Today, America seems to fear and despise socialism. Socialism seems to be a dirty word among conservatives, and the greatest enemy that the United States ever faced is arguably the communist Soviet Union.

That being said, ‘Murica is a socialist country, from sea to shining sea. The writer of the pledge of allegiance, Francis Bellamy, and of America the Beautiful, Katharine Lee Bates, as well as Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, Cesar Chavez, Helen Keller, and Harry Houdini were all socialists. Every time you read Huckleberry Finn or sing a patriotic song you are embracing part of America’s socialist heritage.

How did you get to school this morning? Did you perhaps drive on a highway or over a bridge? How does your house get electricity? Is it powered by a dam? And if you get sick, you can go to a hospital, right? All of these things were built during FDR’s New Deal, as was even more of our country’s infrastructure. The New Deal also provided unemployment insurance and Social Security. The president who put these socialist programs into action, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was so popular that after he died during his fourth term in office, Congress had to pass a law limiting presidents to only two terms.

The military is also paid for with socialism. About 27% of tax dollars go to funding the world’s largest military. Just compare that to our spending on Social Security and unemployment (29.1 billion); education (70 billion); science (29.7 billion); and infrastructure (96 billion).

At the end of the day, socialism is as American as a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. So let’s give socialism a chance and elect Bernie Sanders.